The Power of Social Media in The Power Distribution Industry

In today’s digital age, social media’s presence can be felt across the power distribution industry. Social media has changed the way that we communicate and interact with the world around us. From sharing updates to learning about other cultures, it’s become one of the main ways we stay connected and interact over long distances. Being […]

Driving Electrical Manufacturing Efficiency: A Key to Succeed in a Competitive Industry

Electrical Manufacturing Processes

Defining Efficient Electrical Manufacturing Electrical manufacturing productivity will either propel you to success or leave you drowning in a sea of competitors. Manufacturing efficiency can be defined as the quality and effectiveness of each step in the manufacturing process to produce the best product possible. Achieving ideal manufacturing efficiency is a never-ending process, and our […]

Powering an Eco-Friendly Future

Eco Friendly solutions to make a better future.

Carbon emissions have been rapidly increasing over the last 70 years. Business operations are one of the major contributions to pollution, greenhouse gases, and increasing levels of carbon dioxide. In order to prepare for a better future, it’s critical that businesses work on strategies to preserve our environment. An eco-friendly company looks to slash greenhouse […]

How To Create Impact While Attending a Trade Show

Trade shows are great to meet new customers and develop stronger relationships with vendors.

Trade shows are an excellent opportunity to create impact by networking, receiving special training, and accessing new industry trends. Power Assemblies enjoys attending trade shows to engage with representatives from other organizations and identify those who may be interested in becoming distributors of our products. We specialize in building custom, high-quality emergency power solutions. Our […]

The Secrets of Successful Product Pairing

Power Assemblies Generator Docking Station and Pin & Sleeve Cable Product Pairing Bundle

Providing customers with a complete power solutions platform can lead to increased customer satisfaction, improved customer retention, and increased sales. When distributors suggest products that complement what the customer has already purchased, it can enhance their overall customer experience. Offering a complete product platform also shows that you understand customer needs and preferences. This can […]

Women’s History Month: Celebrating Founder and CEO Patricia Knowles

Women’s History Month is observed every year during the month of March to celebrate the contributions and achievements of women throughout history. Women’s History Month is an opportunity to honor the countless women who have fought for gender equality, broken down barriers of gender bias, and made significant contributions to society. Women’s History Month is […]

7 Key Benefits of Working With An Expert Electrical Manufacturer

Working with an expert electrical manufacturer or supplier is crucial to ensure that you’re getting the right equipment for your specific needs. In this article, we will discuss the top 7 reasons working with an expert electrical supplier will benefit your business. Product Expertise Power Assemblies team members are all extensively trained and have years […]

How To Achieve Your Business Development Goals in 2023

Every successful organization is made up of a team of people dedicated to the growth and improvement of the business. Business development can be defined as the process of strategically identifying and implementing internal and external growth opportunities. This process is essential to stay ahead of competitors and increase market share. Here at Power Assemblies, […]

How To Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

New Year’s Day is a holiday that many countries celebrate on January 1st. It’s a time that signifies a fresh start as we look back on all our accomplishments from the past year and celebrate all that is to come. New Year’s resolutions are a common Western tradition where many people commit to changing their […]

What Does TQM Mean For Power Assemblies?

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a customer-centered management approach to continuously improve every aspect of a company. TQM works towards long-term success by focusing on elements such as proper communication between managers, employees, and customers while making fact-based decisions to ensure all business functions work together. This system of management is important because it makes […]

Signs You Need to Replace Temporary Power Equipment

Broken Wires that need repair

If you work in close proximities with temporary power equipment, it’s crucial to be aware of signs that indicate the equipment will soon need repairs or maintenance. If these signs are left untreated, the emergency or temporary power equipment could be damaged or broken and lead to dire complications. When noticing equipment is starting to […]

Electrical Inspections Are Key to Success

Electrical Inspections, Tests, & Safety

At Power Assemblies, we believe that the top priority of any electrical project should be safety. Taking the necessary precautions to perform inspections on an electrical project can mitigate electrical hazards, which as you may know, can result in major property damage, and can injure those within close proximities. Working on or near electrical hazards […]

Camlock Connection Box Vs. Generator Docking Station

Camlock Connection Box Vs. Generator Docking Station

Utility power fails and you want to get power back up as soon as possible, but how? Well, You’ll need a portable or standby generator, a transfer switch, and one of Power Assemblies’ generator quick-connect boxes like our Camlock Connection Box (CCB) or the astonishing Generator Docking Station (GDS). We’ve engineered both boxes to provide […]

How to Accurately Quote Power Assemblies Products

Amperage, Voltage, Size, Gauge, and Nema

We’re always searching for new distributors that we believe will share similar values and would benefit from a partnership by stocking and selling Power Assemblies products. We are one of the top portable power providers and manufacturers in the country, and we sell exclusively through our distribution partners. We will never sell directly to your […]

What Does It Mean To Be UL Listed?

UL Ratings Sign and Seal

UL stands for Underwriters Laboratories which is a testing and approving organization that was founded in 1894. In short, their job is to perform safety tests on different types of products such as electrical, mechanical, and many other types of consumer products. Originally, UL’s function was to determine whether or not certain electrical and fire […]

Power Assemblies Featured At The 2022 Governor’s Hurricane Conference

Join Power Assemblies at the Governor's Hurricane Conference

Save the date! The 36th annual Governor’s Hurricane Conference will be held at the Palm Beach County Convention Center located in West Palm Beach, Florida. The conference will take place following Hurricane Preparedness Week. The conference begins on May 8th and lasts through Friday, May 13th, 2022. The Power Assemblies team will be attending what […]

The Power Assemblies Electrical Tap Box

Side, Open, and Front view of Tap Box

What exactly is an electrical tap box you might ask? Well, it’s a vital component for portable and permanent portable power distribution applications. Electrical Tap boxes, also known as splitter boxes or pull boxes, are essentially junction boxes equipped with a backplate that holds individual copper busbars for each phase and mechanical chairs lugs that […]