Save the date! The 36th annual Governor’s Hurricane Conference will be held at the Palm Beach County Convention Center located in West Palm Beach, Florida. The conference will take place following Hurricane Preparedness Week. The conference begins on May 8th and lasts through Friday, May 13th, 2022. The Power Assemblies team will be attending what is known as the largest hurricane conference in the nation this spring to contribute our knowledge, resources, and experience to provide growing, innovative solutions for emergency/disaster planning, response, recovery, and mitigation.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Stronger Together” – a truly meaningful and fitting topic that encourages us to unite in strength after an unprecedented few years that has changed our world forever. A devastating, ongoing, global pandemic combined with a record-setting number of tropical cyclones during the 2020-2021 hurricane seasons could only exist in nightmares before its reality created a dark shadow over the entirety of humanity. This year, the Governor’s Hurricane Conference has embraced the opportunity to gather nearly 2,000 individuals including emergency management and personnel, first responders, state and federal agencies, disaster relief, medical professionals, and portable power providers to work together and learn from each other.
The conference will consist of a variety of training sessions, over 50 workshops, and panel discussions for professionals to attend. In an environment where peers are free to network safely and with a common purpose, cohesive partnerships are developed that could result in groundbreaking work that the state of Florida needs for disaster preparation and recovery.
On Wednesday, May 11th prior to the Exhibit Hall opening, Palm Beach County Mayor Robert Weinroth will be opening with a welcome address followed by a series of keynote speakers including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Director of the National Hurricane Center Kenneth Graham, Director of the Terrebonne Parish Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness Earl Eues, Jr., and Deanne Criswell representing the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Where To Find Power Assemblies At The Governor’s Hurricane Conference
The Exhibit Hall will be open Wednesday, May 11th, 11:00 am – 6:00 pm, and Thursday, May 12th from 8:00 am – Noon. The Power Assemblies team will be at Booth 348 in the Exhibit Hall next to Ring Power’s Large Equipment Display #8. We will be bringing along some of our top products to show off, along with answers to any questions you may have. Not only will you be able to see our premium products up close and personal, but you will also have an opportunity to come meet our team!
We’ll be more than happy to discuss our products and provide you with a better overall understanding of our company’s mission to prioritize safety and reliable temporary power solutions when emergency situations arise. Please stop by the Power Assemblies booth to say hello and learn about our products that contribute to saving lives and rebuilding communities affected by natural disasters. Click here to get a complete list of activities and events of the convention and we look forward to seeing you there!
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Palm Beach County Convention Center
650 Okeechobee BLVD