Industries That Require Backup Generators

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Power outages don’t discriminate. We’ve all experienced at least one before and honestly, it happens all the time. Whether you’re at home, work, school, or out for a bite to eat. Power outages often occur for obvious reasons such as an intense thunderstorm, but they can also happen when you least expect it from things like an old worn-out breaker or short-circuit. Luckily, that’s where Portable and Backup Generators come into play.

Some industries can’t afford to lose even a moment without power and that’s not because of the lost revenue that occurs during a situation like this, but also because of the safety concern of the employees, and other personnel on the premises. In this article, we’re going to discuss some of the industries that require an Emergency Standby Generator and Automatic Transfer Switch for backup power and the reasons as to why it’s necessary.

Medical Facilities

Industrial backup and standby generators are an absolute must for any organization involved in the practice of medicine. Life-safety is the number one priority in terms of the installation of electrical systems. According to National Electric Code, all hospitals and critical care facilities are required to have a sufficient backup power source to cover all their electrical needs to keep patients and staff members safe.

The presence of a backup generator is essential for life-supporting medical equipment to operate and allows health care workers to perform their duties to the best of their abilities. Many medical facilities will also have UPS systems (Uninterruptible Power Supply) in place in addition to standby generators just in case of an emergency. The UPS will be able to keep certain equipment up and running after utility power has been lost until the building has been transferred over entirely to generator power safely.

Information Technology (IT) and Telecommunications

These industries consist of organizations that store or relay any type of secure information such as data centers or telecommunications companies. These types of businesses provide a safe harbor for information, which if threatened by a power outage could pose a major risk to security threats. Generators and backup power systems help data centers keep highly sensitive information that they house secure from hackers and other cyberattacks. Therefore, these types of organizations will require a backup power source to provide an infrastructure for confidential data to remain safe and secure.

Food, Hospitality, and Service Industry

Keeping food and beverages fresh for human consumption is a requirement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection division. Therefore, any organization involved in the storage, production, or distribution of food products will require a backup generator to combat the possibility of a power outage.

These types of outages can spoil the entire storefront’s inventory which overall can accumulate huge losses and pose potential health risks to the public if not handled adequately. The need for backup power is more necessary for large food-processing plants, grocery stores, and supermarkets that handle food for the masses rather than the hospitality and service industry. However, it would be beneficial for certain restaurants to dive invest in a backup power source to act as an insurance policy for their goods.

In the restaurant industry, it is not necessarily required but can help them preserve food and power kitchen equipment in order to keep revenue streams open while the power is temporarily out.

Agricultural Industry

An outage in the agricultural industry could be devastating for the organization as a whole and the entire population that depends on them for produce. Hundreds of farms and millions of workers around the United States rely on lighting equipment, watering components, automated feeding systems, air filtration systems, and other machinery to keep their crops growing and their harvests fresh.

Any outage that lasts an extended period of time can have devastating effects to their crops and livestock. Without the help of a backup power system, these farms could lose everything.

Air Transportation Facilities

The number of airplanes traveling at this very moment is unfathomable. We’ve seen it before where planes have lost communication with their air traffic controller, resulting in things going sideways. Air transportation facilities simply cannot risk the circumstances that are accompanied by a power outage. Airports are tasked with keeping their planes and passengers on schedule to keep things moving smoothly, while also providing a safe method of travel.

Maximizing safety is one of their top priorities which means airport security will need all of the help they can get from the technological advancements that come with electricity. If a power failure occurs and there is no form of backup power, the airport will have to shut down and place a no-fly zone into effect as the complications would just become too drastic.

Oil and Gas

These types of operations occur frequently in areas that have no access to a power grid, and therefore will require electricity before any operation can take place. In an effort to minimize any downtime and maximize efficiency, it is essential that there is at least one industrial standby generator present and ready to provide power.

Backup and Standby Generators Overall

There are hundreds of different industries and companies alike that use today’s technologies to their advantage in terms of portable power solutions. Just because the everyday person’s day-to-day operations aren’t necessarily focused around these organizations doesn’t mean that they don’t play a vital role in society and therefore will require a backup power source to keep the rest of the world moving while power is working to be restored.

If you have any interest in equipping your home or business with a portable generator, docking station, or transfer switch please give us a call at your earliest convenience to get set up with one of our premier distributors in your area to keep your lights on when things go dark. We hope you’ve enjoyed this blog as much as we have, and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact at [email protected] or call us directly at (866)-825-8525.