Signs You Need to Replace Temporary Power Equipment

Broken Wires that need repair

If you work in close proximities with temporary power equipment, it’s crucial to be aware of signs that indicate the equipment will soon need repairs or maintenance. If these signs are left untreated, the emergency or temporary power equipment could be damaged or broken and lead to dire complications. When noticing equipment is starting to […]

Electrical Inspections Are Key to Success

Electrical Inspections, Tests, & Safety

At Power Assemblies, we believe that the top priority of any electrical project should be safety. Taking the necessary precautions to perform inspections on an electrical project can mitigate electrical hazards, which as you may know, can result in major property damage, and can injure those within close proximities. Working on or near electrical hazards […]

Camlock Connection Box Vs. Generator Docking Station

Camlock Connection Box Vs. Generator Docking Station

Utility power fails and you want to get power back up as soon as possible, but how? Well, You’ll need a portable or standby generator, a transfer switch, and one of Power Assemblies’ generator quick-connect boxes like our Camlock Connection Box (CCB) or the astonishing Generator Docking Station (GDS). We’ve engineered both boxes to provide […]

How to Accurately Quote Power Assemblies Products

Amperage, Voltage, Size, Gauge, and Nema

We’re always searching for new distributors that we believe will share similar values and would benefit from a partnership by stocking and selling Power Assemblies products. We are one of the top portable power providers and manufacturers in the country, and we sell exclusively through our distribution partners. We will never sell directly to your […]

What Does It Mean To Be UL Listed?

UL Ratings Sign and Seal

UL stands for Underwriters Laboratories which is a testing and approving organization that was founded in 1894. In short, their job is to perform safety tests on different types of products such as electrical, mechanical, and many other types of consumer products. Originally, UL’s function was to determine whether or not certain electrical and fire […]