Power Assemblies Works to Combat Supply Chain Issues
It’s not recent news that global supply chains have become a major problem today for both manufacturers and consumers. Increased demand for goods combined with a reduced national workforce means that products are going out of stock faster, resulting in backorders and longer lead times for goods. We all have plans to keep our projects on track and meet deadlines, but these global supply chain logistics are constantly providing disruptions that make everyone’s tasks harder to accomplish.
Power Assemblies admits having faced these same challenges. However, our consistent hard work and unyielding commitment to our customers is what has helped us overcome adversity. We expect and prepare accordingly for supply chain issues to persist in the upcoming months. Although, we do have hope that we’ll see a breakthrough within a 6-month span. While the market adjusts, the Power Assemblies team is taking efforts to combat these supply chain issues by keeping large quantities of bare cable on hand along with custom lengths of cable assemblies and pigtails on the shelves at all times. Our goal is to reduce lead times for distributors and customers to ultimately keep stock from running out and keep prices from spiking.
Supply Chain Issues with Emergency Power is Not an Option
Emergency power is exactly that; a form of power that is required in the event of an outage or emergency situation. When a hospital or airport loses power, they’re going to need to get the power back on immediately. For these types of businesses, power outages are not an option, therefore portable power distribution is a necessity. These types of scenarios are what motivate Power Assemblies to keep moving forward to provide for our distribution partners so businesses and consumers can turn their lights back on in an instant and keep life-safety equipment up and running in these highly critical settings.
At Power Assemblies, we make this a priority by routinely scheduling research and development meetings with the team in order to launch new products that meet the needs of consumers in industry-specific environments. In addition to these R&D meetings, we’ve been adding weekly forecasting meetings to our regiment as well, to confirm our distribution partners and their customers won’t be left in the dark when they need it most. We’ve been examining global supply chain constraints on a daily basis to help us develop a more progressive plan for stock levels. Keeping an adequate stock of our innovative power solutions on hand could be the difference in what saves life during these tough times that we find ourselves in today.
We may often have the power distribution products needed in stock; however, we do encourage you to factor in freight and delivery times when placing orders to ensure they are received in a timely manner. A recommended practice is to send plans and submittals to your preferred electrical distributor long before the job even begins. This allows distributors an adequate amount of time to procure the wire, cable, and switchgear needed from manufacturers such as Power Assemblies. As a result, this will allow enough time for production, procurement, and the final delivery to the consumer. While life is not always this simple, and sometimes these things do not always go as planned, this scenario places the materials in hand just in time, allowing the job to stay on track and reach completion by the set deadline.
Become A Power Assemblies Distributor
Power Assemblies products are to be sold only through distribution and are never sold directly to the consumer. This is a standard practice from manufacturers around the country that helps minimize issues within the buying process. If you’re a distributor that has encountered supply chain disruptions regarding electrical and portable power distribution products in the past, we encourage you to contact our sales engineers at (866)-825-8525 to become a Power Assemblies authorized distributor. We take pride in our relationships with our suppliers, vendors, and customers and will do everything in our power to help you succeed. For more information, you can visit us online at PowerAssemblies.com