Drum roll please… your favorite Power Assemblies products are now offered on Home Depot Electrical! For years now, our team has worked hard to provide you with the safest, longest lasting, and most innovative power solutions on the market. Historically, we have focused on supplying our distributors, who cater to customers across a wide range of industries, with our handmade equipment.
While we will always be dedicated to providing our distributors with unrivaled support, we are excited to make our power products more accessible through one of the largest retail distributors, Home Depot. We’re thrilled to now serve a broad audience in need of our power solutions, while still maintaining the same level of quality and performance that you trust. Whether you’re in commercial construction, events planning, or any other industry, you can now conveniently order through Home Depot’s website to ensure that your projects are powered by the best in the business!
Why Shop Through Home Depot Electrical?
It’s no secret Home Depot has come to be a household name. We chose to partner with Home Depot Electrical because of their long-standing commitment to customer satisfaction. With just a few clicks of your mouse, you can now purchase our equipment more conveniently than ever before. With Home Depot’s easy-to-navigate website and plentiful brick-and-mortar locations, we’re looking forward to bringing our professional-grade products closer to you.
By shopping for our products through Home Depot, you can now enjoy all the perks that they have to offer. Navigating Home Depot’s website is a breeze, thanks to its intuitive and user-friendly interface. The clean layout and organized categories allow you to find what you need quickly, without any hassle. You can easily search for Power Assemblies products by using keywords, categories, or filters. Detailed product descriptions, specifications, and high-quality images help you understand exactly what you’re purchasing. Whether you need temporary power supplies, switchgear, or any other power solution, Home Depot makes it easy to purchase what you need when you need it.
Products Featured on Home Depot Electrical
At Power Assemblies, quality isn’t just a goal- it’s the very essence of our work. We recognize that our distributors rely on our Cable Assemblies to provide their customers with the power connections they need to bring their projects to life. Others depend on our Quick Connect Switch to provide them with a way to instantly disconnect electricity in case of an emergency. Since our distributors often rely on our power solutions for critical operations, we constantly go above and beyond to ensure that our products are built to the highest possible standards.
Each of our products is carefully tested in our facilities to ensure that they’re free from a single flaw. All Power Assemblies products ship pre-wired, pre-assembled, and ready to perform on the job site. This means that whenever you order our gear through Home Depot Electrical, you can always expect our power supplies to arrive in pristine condition and ready to go to work.
400A, 600V 4/0 AWG Type W Extension
This customer-favorite features a male-to-female Series 16 Camlock configuration for quick and easy connections. It’s made with ultra-flexible cable and is available in multiple lengths to give you the perfect fit for any project, no matter the size.
50A 125/250V Spider Box Locking Cable
Equipped with Arrow Hart CS6364 & CS6365 inline connectors, these California Style Spider Box Locking Cables are designed to effortlessly connect with a Spider Box to provide you with the power distribution you need.

190A, 600V 5-Wire Banded Set – 50’
Perfect for use across the entertainment industry, the male-to-female Banded Set with Series 16 color-coded Camlocks provides you with slip-proof connections to power your event. This 5-wire cable set boasts (4) #2 AWG and (1) #6 AWG Type SC Cable to provide you with plenty of electrical distribution.

600V Quad Stringers- 50’
Choose between our standard, black Quad Stringer or our yellow, WetGuard Quad Stringer. No matter your choice, you can enjoy (6) NEMA 5-20R receptacles that are sure to provide you with plenty of connections. The Quad Stringer is a Home Depot Pro Desk exclusive that can be ordered by calling your local Home Depot or visiting in person.
Cam Lock Panels
Save yourself some time, stress, and money with our quick-connect Series 16 Camlock Panels! Our Camlock Panels replace the need to cut out holes for each individual Camlock and are available in a wide range of configurations to suit the needs of your unique applications.

Quick Connect Switch (QCS)
By providing you with the ability to instantly connect or disconnect circuits in case of an emergency- our QCS is quite literally a lifesaver. With just a quick turn of its front-mounted rotary handle, you can use its built-in ABB switch to open and close circuits. This wall-mountable, single-throw safety switch features a bottom-mounted Camlock Panel in your choice of amperage and voltage. Our QCS can be ordered through your local Home Depot Pro Desk by calling or visiting in person.
To explore Power Assemblies products for Home Depot Electrical, visit www.homedepot.com or visit your local Home Depot Pro Desk for more information. If you have any questions about the innovative power solutions listed in this article, please contact us at [email protected] or dial (866)-825-8525 today!